Fully equipped immediate care center

Splinting in Houston

What is Splinting?

You may hear the words “splinting” or “splints” thrown around in medical settings or hospital TV dramas, but what do they mean, exactly? To begin, a splint is a small device that helps keep an injured body part still, such as a broken bone or injured joint, and provides a layer of protection during the healing process. It’s essentially half of a cast that is held in place by an elastic bandage or another type of wrap. Unlike a traditional cast that can only be removed by a medical professional, a splint is easily adjustable and can be removed when bathing.

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Splinting at Lifeline Urgent Care

Lifeline Urgent Care in Houston, Texas, provides walk-in treatment for many non-life-threatening injuries that often require splinting. Our patients benefit from the expertise of board-certified physicians who have ample experience caring for patients with injuries like sprains, strains, broken bones, and wounds with controlled bleeding. Plus, our modern and sleek urgent care center is equipped with key diagnostic technologies like digital X-ray imaging and is open every day to serve busy patients like you. Visit us Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., or on the weekend between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.


Dr. Ravi Kalidindi

Hi. My name is Dr. Ravi Kalidindi. I am a Board-certified Family Medicine Physician who specializes in Urgent Care and have provided highly personalized care for my patients for several years, treating a variety of illnesses and injuries.

Years of experience: 20 years

License number: 1234567

Location: Houston, TX

We’ll be here when you need us

The next time you have an injury that may require splinting, skip the costly hospital emergency room and visit Lifeline Urgent Care. Our immediate care center in Houston accepts most health insurance plans, provides affordable rates, and offers a unique membership plan to self-pay patients.

Client Review

Mrs. Tasha

star-img Google Review

Lifeline Urgent Care is a go to in your time of medical need. The staff there were professional, attentive and helpful. They handled me with care and listened to my concerns. Marissa, the physician assistant was so good I wanted her as my PCP. I definitely will go back if I need urgent care. Thank you.

Frequently asked questions

Our goal is simple; we strive to provide a high level of easily accessible and affordable medical care to patients. Here are some of the frequently asked questions our clients have:

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